Monday, April 03, 2006

Three Crazies

Prognosticator of prognosticators Punxsutawney Phil, on Feb 2nd, predicted six more weeks of mild winter weather and was right on target, but what wondered me was that it snowed in April! Isn't it way past the six weeks? ..I shouldn't be wondering about it at all after living in Cleveland for more than 3 years: but because of my fondness for wandering wondering thoughts, i still wondered. I have wondered and wished if i would had the opportunity to relive some of the days that i had lived and i do some course correction.. Course! ofcourse! Course, Golf Course. It rained on the first tee, it drizzled on the first green, it snowed on the second fairway but we marched from tee to green, driving, ironing!?, pitching, chipping and putting. Two crazies plus another crazy, making it all together three crazies, for the opening day of our 2006 golf outing, which, i fondly call Bob Ritchey Open, a weekly event which happens every tuesday till fall, a gathering of friends and co-workers which starts with 9 holes of golf at St.Denis Golf course and culminates with pop-corn, pizza, wings and beer at Time out Grill a small suburban sports bar, with "all the cleveland chicks with crimson lips" that Drew Carey talks about.

In the beginning there were two crazies, and then came the third crazy. Three, in the whole damn course. When there were only two crazies, on first tee, and me being one of them, i fondly wondered if being crazy enough to golf when snow is in the forecast, means my professional future is doomed? But the third crazy who joined us, a senior vice president at the company that i work for, changed my doomsday predictions for my professional future but instead i also started believing that may be being a little crazy, a little whacky and may be a bit kinky indeed could be what it takes to scale professional summits. I made a mental note to myself to find out if stephen covey has written any book called "Seven Crazy habits of highly effective people" and also find out if reading books by Kinky Friedman helps paving way to professional apex.

Weather tested us in the first 3 holes but after that it was with us. With rain, snow and windchills in mid 30s we still managed to have a good cold time. After surviving the initial weather onslaught and lasted till we finished off at the ninth, quarter past eight, with a three way tie for skins going into the ninth. The ranger, back at the club house, if it was in his power would have give us a medal of honor for braving the weather. The parking lot was also a different site with just ranger's car and then three other cars which possibly might have been driven by the three crazies.


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