Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Kuttur and Koo

As spring cleaning fever hit me late in spring, i decided to clean amoung other things, the trash can, drenching it in 409. For reasons unknown to me, i decided to dry the black plastic inner bucket!?, of the stainless steel trashcan, in my balcony. Weighing under two pounds, the black inner is about 3 feet high and about a feet wide. After wiping it clean, again for reasons unknown to me, i decided to sun bath it in my balcony where it restlessly rested and then restfully raced, till it caught my eyes, a few moon phases and suns later, on a late sunday morning, when i heard the newly married pigeon couple, Kuttur and Koo, flutter around the new house that they had moved into, the clean, disinfected, sun bathed black plastic inner! Again, for reasons unknown to me, Kuttur and Koo liked the plastic inner, which at this point had fallen sideways, and was rolling on the floor aimlessly , but not restlessly, along with the wind, within the confines of my balcony.

Kuttur and Koo, i thought was an interesting couple. But their idea of moving into my forty two dollar trash can, that too in my forty two sq ft balcony, didn't interest me that much. I cited 42 reasons to justify my discontent. Primary one being the potential and inevitable use of trashcan as crapper by Kutter and Koo. I had this uncontrollable itch to drive them out. To my itches content , i stormed into the balcony only to storm back out of it, when i found out that Koo was in the trashcan. After 20 minutes, shouldering an itch which seemed like a six year long itch, i tip toed towards the trash can, a one man demolition squad, euipped with sophisticated modern weapons like trash bag and short brush, manouvering through the rough windy terrains of the balcony. Koo, NOT IN and neither was Kuttur. In a wink and a half of an eye, i emptied the quarter built nest, the twigs and twiglets into the trash bag and brushed the trash can clean and yanked the trash bag, brush, trash can and myself back into my living room as quickly as i could and returned my weapons and trashcan to were it belonged. With a grin of a soldier who is about to receive purple heart for war heriocs, i slouched back into the sofa reading Kinky Friedman. After a few minutes this wondering wandering thought wandered into my mind and became an uncontrollable itch and again to my itches content i went and opened the trash bag to check out the contents of the demolished nest now resting in pieces in the trash bag. There were several twigs, wood chips and dirt and an ear ring and cap of a pen and plastic scrap. Several hundred small pieces, painstaking flown in by Kuttur or Koo, one at a time, from far and near land and for all you know some pieces even would have been imported say for example the italian mahagony wood chip, which was in Kuttur and Koo's living room! I felt guilty and i felt small and i felt small again and felt guilty again and started feeling small and guilty at the same time. Determined to redeem myself from nestocaust, i decided without winking to return the nest back to the way it was in my balcony. To get extra credits i gave the trascan a firm base preventing it from rolling and arranged the the ex-nest back as good as i could. This did not move Kuttur or Koo. Sitting on my neighbours railings Kuttur gave me a feather and so did Koo and refused to move back in. After 6 long days of non-cooperative movement Kuttur and Koo finally moved back in, to my hearts content!


Blogger KT said...


You certainly deserve a purple heart! We all are proud of you.

8:09 AM, June 14, 2006  

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