Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fractional Dimensional

My summer, of 1994, was spend mostly in the underground Mechanical engineering, computer lab of our college. Me and my buddy Sunil have spend several hours typing the printed Mandelbrot code religiously from the Advanced Graphics text book (It was not quite the norm , in those days, for the book publishers to include a floppy or cd of source code examples included in the text book) and several hours fixing the typos we had induced. We had fallen in love with fractals and badly wanted to see it on our brand new vga moniters powered by 386, which in those days we thought used to blitz. Between day and night and several teas, couple of omlets and steaming puttu not to be mistaken with Kuttu, and the faint squeaks from the near by mechanical workshop and stares from the metalurgy lab we managed to compile the C code after a day or two of rigorous amateur typing. Hoping to see the mandelbrot set flash on the screen in minutes, we ran the compiled program and realized that the code was doing a slomo walk when it took several minutes to plot just a bright orange pixel on the left center screen of the brand new color monitor. Several dosas and yummy gadbad icecream and a brilliant dose of Thermodynamics from R P Reddy and a good 26 hours, and not to mention countless cpu cycles, later the program finished plotting the complete fractal.

It was amazing to zip through variations of julia sets in 26 milli seconds in one of the web sites i visited recently ..brought back good old fractal memories! Should memories worth blogging called blogeries? may be not, ..Just a blooming blogging thought! Posted by Picasa


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